Igor Scomparin Tour Leader


The Boss


The rest of the big group is used to call me in this way, but you can call me Igor, that’s it… (how do you pronounce it?! :P)

I’have been working in tourism since 1996 starting with Globus, the one of travels by coach and in this way I had the opportunity to work in every place in Europe, from the very cold North in Finland to the very hot Greek South, from the ancient end west bound in Portugal and Spain to the wild east bound in Russia and ex Russian countries, thus having the chance to know the most beautiful cities in Europe (Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Finisterre, London, Leeds, Nottingham, Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen,Frankfurt, Berlin, Koln… do you want more? I tell you just the countries: Italy, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Malta, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt…)

Then, after all this touring I decided to stop in Venice in 200X, because it’s my hometown and so I could have the chance to share all my acknowledge as a local to the tourists, in order to give them a special and unique experience, the amazing one you can get only with a local person.

That’s why I put online “Tour Leader Venice”, a website where I offered a large variety of tours in Venice, giving unique experience, off the beaten path as well as the highlight of this astonishing city, including also real artisans stores and delicious experiences in not touristic bar and restaurant, making my tour tailored and so unforgettable and really valuable. I know what you are thinking: how can you do all on your own? Don’t worry! I started hiring some people who are perfectly working on my way.

But my mind is always working, and I expanded the selection od tour including Venetian Countryside, tasting tours, food tours, cycling tour, food experience and after that I understood that putting online “Tour Leader Treviso”was a good solution.

Now is 2019 and obviously is the time for a new, but I’m going to tell you about this in few weeks… stay tuned!!


I’m love with my work, I think it’s clear, and I love my land and this is exactly what I’m used to transmit to my lovely customers, and I check day by day that this is really appreciated. From the feedbacks on tripadvisor, from the thrilled gaze during the tour, from the shy smile  at the moment we met to the most friendly embrace at the end of the tour… yes, I love you all, because I work for you and you make me feel like the luckiest boy of the world.


Thank you,



(& the team)